本文共 9259 字,大约阅读时间需要 30 分钟。
Create[增] – 添加一个用户账号Retrieve[查] – 获取一个产品列表Update[改] – 修改用户密码或产品名称
Delete[删] – 删除一个用户或产品编写model时,一般首先会创建CRUD方法。如果你正在编写用户身份验证(登陆,注销,忘记密码,激活帐户),你还需要能添加、修改和删除用户的功能。
function AddUser() function UpdateUser() function DeleteUser() function GetUsers()
这四个方法可以处理大部分情况。与创建一个model方法"GetActiveUsers” 相比,我们只需要在GetUsers方法中创建一个参数来获取指定用户状态的结果集,就可以达到同样目的。更多如下…
function AddUser($insertData) function UpdateUser($userId, $updateData) function DeleteUser($userId) function GetUsers($limit, $offset)
function GetUsers($limit, $offset, $status)
我们可能还需要GetUser($userId)方法。这使我们创建了同一个方法的多个版本。 以GetUsers为例,如果我们修改信息的返回方式,就得改动两处地方,GetUser和GetUsers。
function AddUser($options = array()) function UpdateUser($options = array()) function DeleteUser($options = array()) function GetUsers($options = array())
在这之前,我们可能需要使用GetUsers(5, 5, ‘active’)返回一组用户列表,现在只需要GetUsers(array(‘limit’ => 5, ‘offset’ => 5, ‘status’ => 'active’);
这里我们提供几个辅助方法,提高我们创建的方法的健壮性。 即,设定字段必需和字段默认值。如,添加一个用户时,userEmail字段是必填的。为此我们创建了 ‘required’ 方法。
/** * _required method returns false if the $data array does not contain all of the keys * assigned by the $required array. * * @param array $required * @param array $data * @return bool */ function _required($required, $data) { foreach($required as $field) if(!isset($data[$field])) return false; return true; }
在'AddUser’ 例子中,我们的代码可能如下:
/** * AddUser method creates a record in the users table. * * Option: Values * -------------- * userEmail (required) * userPassword * userName * userStatus active(default), inactive, deleted * * @param array $options */ function AddUser($options = array()) { // required values if(!$this->_required(array('userEmail'), $options)) return false; // At this point we know that the key 'userEmail' exists in the $options array. }
新创建的用户默认是 ‘active’激活的。 如果我们想要创建一个非激活的用户,设定 ‘userStatus’ 参数的值为inactive。现在我们不想要每次都要申明用户为 ‘active’,把他设定为默认值即可。
'default’ 方法:
/** * _default method combines the options array with a set of defaults giving the values * in the options array priority. * * @param array $defaults * @param array $options * @return array */ function _default($defaults, $options) { return array_merge($defaults, $options); }
在AddUser中使用 ‘default’ 方法:
/** * AddUser method creates a record in the users table. * * Option: Values * -------------- * userEmail (required) * userPassword * userName * userStatus active(default), inactive, deleted * * @param array $options */ function AddUser($options = array()) { // required values if(!$this->_required(array('userEmail'), $options)) return false; // default values $options = $this->_default(array('userStatus' => 'active'), $options); }
如果$options数组存在 ‘userStatus’ 字段,则覆盖默认值,否则使用默认值 ‘active’。
许多数据库(MySQL,Oracle,Microsoft SQL,PostgreSQL,etc)使用SQL语法,却有稍微有点不同。一个Active Record类允许你比较抽象的创建一条查询,它可以运行在该类支持的所有数据库上,而不必关注多个数据库sql语法在细节上的不同。
Code Igniter Active Record 可能像以下这样:
这两条命令将创建和执行查询: “select * from users where userStatus = ‘active’”
/** * AddUser method creates a record in the users table. * * Option: Values * -------------- * userEmail (required) * userPassword * userName * userStatus active(default), inactive, deleted * * @param array $options */ function AddUser($options = array()) { // required values if(!$this->_required(array('userEmail'), $options)) return false; // default values $options = $this->_default(array('userStatus' => 'active'), $options); // qualification (make sure that // we're not allowing the site to insert data that it shouldn't) $qualificationArray = array('userEmail', 'userName', 'userStatus'); foreach($qualificationArray as $qualifier) { if(isset($options[$qualifier])) $this->db->set($qualifier, $options[$qualifier]); } // MD5 the password if it is set if(isset($options['userPassword'])) $this->db->set('userPassword', md5($options['userPassword'])); // Execute the query $this->db->insert('users'); // Return the ID of the inserted row, // or false if the row could not be inserted return $this->db->insert_id(); } /** * UpdateUser method alters a record in the users table. * * Option: Values * -------------- * userId the ID of the user record that will be updated * userEmail * userPassword * userName * userStatus active(default), inactive, deleted * * @param array $options * @return int affected_rows() */ function UpdateUser($options = array()) { // required values if(!$this->_required(array('userId'), $options)) return false; // qualification (make sure that // we're not allowing the site to update data that it shouldn't) $qualificationArray = array('userEmail', 'userName', 'userStatus'); foreach($qualificationArray as $qualifier) { if(isset($options[$qualifier])) $this->db->set($qualifier, $options[$qualifier]); } $this->db->where('userId', $options['userId']); // MD5 the password if it is set if(isset($options['userPassword'])) $this->db->set('userPassword', md5($options['userPassword'])); // Execute the query $this->db->update('users'); // Return the number of rows updated, or false if the row could not be inserted return $this->db->affected_rows(); } /** * GetUsers method returns an array of qualified user record objects * * Option: Values * -------------- * userId * userEmail * userStatus * limit limits the number of returned records * offset how many records to bypass before returning a record (limit required) * sortBy determines which column the sort takes place * sortDirection (asc, desc) sort ascending or descending (sortBy required) * * Returns (array of objects) * -------------------------- * userId * userEmail * userName * userStatus * * @param array $options * @return array result() */ function GetUsers($options = array()) { // default values $options = $this->_default(array('sortDirection' => 'asc'), $options); // Add where clauses to query $qualificationArray = array('userId', 'userEmail', 'userStatus'); foreach($qualificationArray as $qualifier) { if(isset($options[$qualifier])) $this->db->where($qualifier, $options[$qualifier]); } // If limit / offset are declared (usually for pagination) // then we need to take them into account if(isset($options['limit']) && isset($options['offset'])) $this->db->limit($options['limit'], $options['offset']); else if(isset($options['limit'])) $this->db->limit($options['limit']); // sort if(isset($options['sortBy'])) $this->db->order_by($options['sortBy'], $options['sortDirection']); $query = $this->db->get('users'); if($query->num_rows() == 0) return false; if(isset($options['userId']) && isset($options['userEmail'])) { // If we know that we're returning a singular record, // then let's just return the object return $query->row(0); } else { // If we could be returning any number of records // then we'll need to do so as an array of objects return $query->result(); } } /** * DeleteUser method removes a record from the users table * * @param array $options */ function DeleteUser($options = array()) { // required values if(!$this->_required(array('userId'), $options)) return false; $this->db->where('userId', $options['userId']); $this->db->delete('users'); }
$userId = $this->user_model->AddUser($_POST); if($userId) echo "The user you have created has been added successfully with ID #" . $userId; else echo "There was an error adding your user.";
if($this->user_model->UpdateUser(array('userId' => 3, 'userName' => 'Shawn', 'userEmail' => 'not telling'))) // The user has been successfully updated else // The user was not updated
$user = $this->user_model->GetUsers(array('userEmail' => $userEmail, 'userPassword' => md5($userPassword), 'userStatus' => 'active')); if($user) // Log the user in else // Sorry, your user / password combination isn't correct.
$users = $this->user_model->GetUsers(array('userStatus' => 'active')); if($users) { echo "Active Users"; foreach($users as $user) { echo $user->userName . ""; } } else { echo "There are no active users."; }
$this->user_model->DeleteUser(array('userId' => $userId));